Hello everyone:
I am Andrea, hopefully you knew that by now. I work at Costco in the buying department.
I am pretty easy going, my family might be laughing at this point because I am easy going to a certain point. I have my anxious moments. I am loud in front of family and close friends, other than that I can be pretty quiet.
I like to sew and be crafty. Nick's only complaint about that is when my "stuff" is laying out and he has to look at it. Ok so I leave it there for a few days or more. I am waiting for the creativity...you really can't rush these things you know. It's not my fault that he is slightly OCD'ish.
My other hobby is shopping. I have no idea where this came from as my mom and sister are fine with dressing in jeans and a t-shirt with little to no make-up everyday and my dad dresses in slacks and a button up 6 days a week with the exeption of jeans on Sunday. I am in love with shoes and clothes and make-up. My brother is the only really big shopper besides me. He has a shoe collection that rivals mine!! At 14!!!
Moving on to Nick:
He is not a clothes shopper. His closet is mostly black t-shirts, jeans, and sweatshirts! He does like to shop, just not clothing, car parts! He works at Divers Street Rods. They build custom cars.
Nick likes anything that has a motor in it. He rides a Honda 954 when we get the occasional sunny dry day here in Seattle and the rest of the time he can be found in his Nissan 350Z.
If you know Nick you know he likes clean. His car is perfect at all times. I think he washes it by hand (we are NOT aloud to go through a car wash) twice a week and wipes it down in between washes. The house has to be clutter free as well. That is something I am working on. Luckily I have my own closet.....I don't think I have seen the floor since the day we moved in!
Here we are on New Years: That would be my parents dog Gigi in the background....she is attatched to his side when he comes over. I am like chopped liver now.

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