Ok so I cannot call it a car as it is more like a go kart as we decided. Anywhoo....Lisa has her dad's car for the next two weeks while he is out of town. We were going to lunch, as usual, and she says she is driving today so I head out to the side entrance to meet her and I see someone driving a SMART thing...I of course mutter something along the lines of "seriously who the crap drives that thing, really?" I may have added some more colorful words to my version but, you get the point! I keep looking for the green civic flying down the main drive and next thing I know, there is a crazy familiar looking blond waving at me from the SMART thing!!!!
Yes....that means I am now cruising around in a scooter, go kart, hybrid thing. She is amused. How can you not laugh at that though!! I guess if I was getting 45-50 miles to the gallon I wouldn't really be laughing. Aside from being stupidly expensive, I could get two ducati's for the price of that thing, it's relatively cute. I still refuse to call it a car though. It's the SMART thing!

Oh look...cute shoes!!!